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Rudy Rahme



 Born in 1967 in Bsharre, Rudy Rahme is a painter, a poet, and a sculptor;He studied at the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts (ALBA) and at the Spinelle Academy of Florence.

He represented Lebanon in several sculpture symposia in Lebanon, France, Italy, Switzerland, and the Gulf countries. Rudy Rahme has received many prizes, among which the Golden Medal in Lebanese poetry, the Said Akl Prize, and the Murex d’Or of the French city Nojance sur Marne. 

About his Work


Rudy Rahme is a sculptor and painter exclusively concerned with interpreting in realistic images his philosophical views on human existence. He looks upon life as a continuous state of being linked to and born of the earth, but moving through time along perpetual threads of struggling to transcend material form and embrace immaterial spirit. 


Le opere di Rudy Rahme presenti in galleria