News from the gallery
lausanne art fair'18
lausanne art fair 19-22-4-2018
Art3f PARIS 27/28/29 Jan. 2017
Salon international d'Art contemporain
22 mad for naples
22 artists MADforNAples
The Project:
22 artists Mad forNaples: in the Neapolitan tombola, the number 22 corresponds to "The Crazies": a different look on the city of Naples through the artistic works of 22 international artists. A cross-section of the city of Naples lived, appreciated and developed with their own technique by 22 international artists.
Crazy about Naples, the 22 artists will have the opportunity to live our city during two weeks in the partenopean site, during a workshop-art laboratory they will develop personally through meetings, visits, reports and insights related to the Neapolitan contemporary art system; the gallery will provide a starting pattern of possible activities each artist will be able to integrate through his preferences.
The selected artists, starting from their subjective personal reading of the places, will walk the streets, places, museums, sites and routes of art and different landscape and face the project’s theme with a personal European and international perspective, offering to the city of Naples, with their participation, a comparison between the Neapolitan reality and the international art research.
With this aim, the artists will create a work specifically dedicated to this comparison with the reality of the town. At the end of the project the 22 works will be the subject of a dedicated exhibition in a prestigious location in the Neapolitan territory for which will be made a monographic catalogue dedicated to the project, the 22 artists and works.
To each participating artist will be given 10 copies of the catalogue and the certificate of participation in the project. Monteoliveto Gallery will handle the promotion and dissemination of the event on its website, its Facebook page and any other social platforms. The selected artists will all be placed with their artist page on the website of the gallery for 1 year.
The residence in Naples
The artist will be able to stay for the 2 weeks of the working project occupying part of the guest spaces of Monteoliveto Home Gallery with a terrace and a shared living room, located in the centre of Naples, overlooking the Gulf of Naples and Mount Vesuvius.
Monteoliveto Gallery is selecting the 22 artists for the new project already in force since August 1st, 2013. The acceptance criterion for the selection will favour the motivational aspect with regard to the international character of the subject with respect to the territory of Naples (Naples, Pompeii, the Gulf Islands etc....) and the specific artist statement.
As soon as the 22 artists will be chosen, the selections will be closed.
After the selection, the artist - with the commitment to the project - automatically gives consent to the reproduction of graphic, photographic and video works made for any publication for any publication for the promotion and dissemination related to the event.
Costs of participation:
For the participation in the Project a fee is due, which will be detailed administratively on request of those concerned.